Violet Ray Ceremonies

Sessions are designed to help you experience and embody more of your Truth and Divinity, while expanding your consciousness and releasing all that no longer serves you. Grandmother assists you in peeling away the onion layers of your egoic being, and lifts disempowering energies that block you from fully embodying your Divine Potential. She will guide you in stepping more into your own self-mastery, and will intuit information regarding core limiting beliefs, contracts, karmic links and ego-illusions – both from this lifetime and beyond. She will support you in infusing your physical and energetic bodies with the Love and Light of your Divine consciousness – resulting in a raising of your vibrational frequency. It works with the conscious, subconscious and unconscious levels of a person. It can also help identify deeply suppressed emotions and assist you in releasing blockages that you don’t even know you have.

 In session you may experience one or more of the following:

clearing beliefs, constructs, thoughtforms

releasing layers of suppressed energy and emotion

exploration and healing of past lives

karmic clearing



contract clearing

core fear matrix removal

ascension technologies for building light

inner plane initiations

light-code activations

ascension activations

soul retrieval

sub-personality work

shadow work

inner child healing – this life and past

akashic records activations

DNA activation
spiritual counselling and guidance

The Violet Ray, has been established as a collective of learning, meditation and healing for the people. Our main goal is the spiritual growth and evolution for the individuals who choose to participate. It is a place to learn from sacred plant medicines, focusing on the individual and what is needed for their own personal development, growth and healing. This movement is merely seeking to open the channels within each participant to see their own light, to awaken the shaman in themselves, to find the power within to heal and to hear their own heart as their guru.

Medicine man Marcio Purusha and his daughter, Aisha, will facilitate this healing work. Pachamama Circle will be small, ranging from 10 to 15 participants each night. This small group setting will allow for a more meditative and healing intensive ceremony. The ceremony itself will be mostly Peruvian style. Participants will be able to lie down, get comfortable and go as deep as they would like with the medicine.

As a spiritual retreat,  Violet Ray Spiritual Growth and Enlightenment Sessions, requests participants to really focus on their intentions for coming.Participants will be requested to follow-up after their experience, keeping everyone informed on your integration process.
