Giving Birth to a New Golden Age

Let all hearts be uplifted this day by the impetus of the violet flame. Feel the lightness of your heart that has been bowed down with grief for the pain of Terra. Feed the coming of the joyous ones, the joyous viole-flame angels who indeed, by their love, by their ritual and their rythm in the flame, do give birth to a new age.

Can we truly build a new age on this earth? Why not? It already is happening. The more I walk the more i see the light spreading everywhere. It is on new age media, it is on organic foods and grocery stores, it is in the legalization of cannabis in certain parts of the world, hemp clothing, it is in Aya ceremonies happening everywhere… all the time and so many other things that are happening that confirm the visions I had as a child, to stay calm, work for the light and to know and have hope that a new age is indeed on its way.

The Yugas of the Hindus tells us that it is time. The Kali Yuga is coming to pass and we enter into the period of the Dharma Yuga, as we approach the great central Sun and humanity has the opportunity to once again tune-in with the Divine Energies that inhabit each and everyone and starts to move away from the more materialistic form of existance we have been experiencing for the last hundreds of years.

But what is one to do to help the new age come forth?

How can normal people living in the world do to help? It’s a question of intention and desire. How much do you want to see this come forth? Gandhi used to say “Be the change you want to see in the world”. And of course, that is the mantra of the enlightened being and the only thing that we can really do to make a change in the world. As we become the change that we want to see, we start to inspire others to be on that same path and move forward in the world in a way that is more connected to spirit and more connected to Gaia. And as we do that, of course our children will follow suit. We start then to repopulate the earth with beings that are well, for the lack of a better world, more evolved. Only because they are preserving Gaia. Realizing that the environment and the planet we live in is the most important thing above all profit and commercialism. That our mother Earth is the one that sustains all life and therefore no political or economic decision or system can rule over the needs for the health of Mother Earth.

This is the way. Be The Change, Embody Your Higher Self, Take the Red Road. Learn the Teachings of the simplicity of all the great Masters… Love Gaia Above all things, the cosmic intelligence that rules all worlds and all beings, love yourself, so you can then love your brothers and sisters the same way. Let’s take care of the Forest, Let’s take care of each other, Let’s take care of the Ocean, Let’s take care of our Planet.

José Purusha

“One thing: you have to walk, and create the way by your walking; you will not find a ready-made path. It is not so cheap, to reach to the ultimate realization of truth. You will have to create the path by walking yourself; the path is not ready-made, lying there and waiting for you. It is just like the sky: the birds fly, but they don’t leave any footprints. You cannot follow them; there are no footprints left behind.”
― Osho