Startling Discovery: Ancient Secret Reveals What You Were “Coded” To Do At Birth…

The knowledge of who you truly are (and which career you could actually get paid to shine like a star at in this lifetime) is no further away than your own DNA – “locked in” at the exact time you were born?

We are always sending out an emotional Energetic Blueprint, communicating to the Universe exactly what we want and what we don’t want. Whatever we are FEELING and focusing our attention on is exactly WHAT WE ARE MANIFESTING.

An unlimited source of energy has been dormant up until now, “sleeping”, waiting for the right moment in time to rise up magnificently throughout your being and ignite miracles in your life. Opening up this cosmic energy is not as difficult as you may think, yet is a metaphysical exploration that is more satisfying, loving, and empowering than anything you could imagine!

The ability to instantly manifest any desire may seem outrageous or inconceivable to you, as if manifesting was a mystical path reserved only for those few eccentric beings born with magical powers. Yet, the truth is that manifesting is a hidden gift we EACH contain inside! All that is needed are the right actions and mindset to unwrap this amazing natural talent. The following chapters contain the essential tools and secrets necessary to awaken this power inside you in 90 days or less!

Learning how to master your mind is what allows you to increase your Manifesting Vibration at will. It is most likely true that right now your mind is mildly or predominantly untrained. Your thoughts are like a herd of wild horses that have been captured and imprisoned in a small fenced in pasture. If you look closely, you may notice that your horses have been galloping in the same circles for years, creating ruts in the ground! It’s time to set them FREE!